HOT! Shade, Mulch, Air, Water

It is mid-August and both people & plants are enduring sweltering humid days. Hibiscus are tropical plants, used to humidity but not all-day direct sun & alternating dry/wet soil.

Try to provide shade from noon to early evening, Trees, taller shrubs, trellis, shade cloth, whatever it takes. Hibiscus do not tolerate 100F days in all-day direct sun.

Water regularly, try to avoid soils moisture bouncing back and forth to extremes. Slightly damp is all the plants need, but it needs to be consistent. In other words, just flooding the garden once a week and then letting it dry out.. is bad!

Mulch heavily. That helps keep the soil cool and retails moisture. If you see mildew or fungus on the mulch, stir it up with a rake. In case of major fungus infestations, use fungicides or replace the mulch.

Air! We all want more hibiscus plants and keep adding to our collections. Then the plants grow. Pretty soon, they are all jammed together. When planting, leave plenty of room for plants to grow & spread, then prune to keep adjacent plants from intermingling their branches. This spacing allows air circulation and really cuts back on the spread of insects or fungus infections.

Look after yourself also, wear a hat & cool clothes, drink plenty of water, take regular breaks. Although it might seem obvious, avoid heavy gardening work in the hot parts of the day.

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Slugs, yuck!

Slugs can be a persistent problem for hibiscus plants, causing significant damage by feeding on the leaves, flowers, and stems. These nocturnal pests leave behind ragged holes in the foliage and a slimy trail, which is a clear sign of their presence. Here’s how to manage slugs on hibiscus effectively:

Identifying Slug Damage

Slugs generally feed during nightime, so you might not spot them during the day. Signs of slugs eating your hibiscus:

  • Irregular holes in leaves and petals, often with smooth edges.
  • Slimy trails on the leaves, stems, and surrounding soil.
  • Damaged young shoots and flowers, particularly in moist conditions.

Preventing and Controlling Slugs

  1. Handpicking: Manually remove the slugs, easiest to do at night with a flashlight. Dropping them into a container of soapy water is one way to dispose of them.
  2. Barriers: Copper tape, eggshells, or diatomaceous earth sprinkled around the base of the plant can deter slugs. They dislike crossing sharp or dry materials.
  3. Slug Traps: Set up beer traps by placing shallow containers filled with beer at soil level near your hibiscus. This is a shallow tray filled with beer. Slugs are attracted to the beer, fall in, and drown.
  4. Natural Predators: Encourage natural predators like birds, frogs, and ground beetles to inhabit your garden.
  5. Organic Slug Baits: Iron phosphate-based slug baits are effective and safe for pets, wildlife, and the environment. Scatter the bait around the base of the plants.
  6. Moisture Management: Slugs prefer moist conditions. Avoid overwatering. Wwater in the morning to allow the soil to dry by evening.

Long-Term Solutions

  • Remove Hiding Places: Remove debris & fallen leaves. Rake mulch to aerate and expose hiding slugs to sunlight & dry air.

Slug Safety

Slugs are not generally poisonous or toxic to humans and are relatively safe to handle. However, they can carry harmful parasites or bacteria. So, it is a good idea to wear gloves when picking them off hibiscus, and wash hands thoroughly afterwards.

Although it is very difficult to completely eliminate slugs, these methods can reduce slug damage to your plants.

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Mosquito Control

Mosquitos are terrible right now, mostly because they have had lots of water to breed in lately. Swarms of the biting bugs can make gardening chores miserable.

Mosquito control advice always includes emptying any containers that contain open water

If you have potted plants in trays with water, add gravel or sand around the pot. Use enough to cover all open water in the tray.

For ditches, flooded yard areas, anything that really must have standing water in it, a little bit of oil will form a floating surface slick that suffocates mosquito larvae.

Add one-quarter teaspoon of oil (vegetable oil, horticultural oil, Neem, common mineral oil) per gallon of water, or use 1 tablespoon per 100 square feet. Replenish every few days as the oil slick disappears.

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Beat the Heat!

Scorching summer heat can wilt or kill your hibiscus in just a day or two. Here are some tips to help:

Provide afternoon shade. Morning sun is good for blooms, and it is usually not as hot during the first few hours of the day.

Mulch heavily. This protects your plants during summer as well as winter. Mulch keeps soil and roots from drying out as quickly, as well as adding protection from weeds that steal water & nutrients.

Water often, but don’t drown your plants. Avoid spraying water on leaves. Soaker hoses or drip watering systems save water and put it where it is needed, above the root system.

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Hot, Hot, Hot!!

It is scorching hot all across the USA, and hibiscus along the Gulf Coast is are suffering.

Plants with about 1/2 day shade, mulch, and water are doing fine. Hibiscus exposed to direct sun all day are not doing as well.

So, provide midday shade, plenty of space between plants for air circulation, then apply mulch and keep the plants watered on a regular basis.

BTW, providing room between plants also reduces spread of insects, improves branching & blooming, and helps with mosquito control by removing some of their hiding places.

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Growing & Enjoying Tropical Hibiscus